We are pleased to announce the 2018 Award Recipients!

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Emily Andres

Utah State University

Emily graduated from Viewmont High School and is attending Utah State University. She loves to learn and be pushed at an accelerated pace. Emily feels that higher education is important to help you become a life long learner. Her ultimate career goal is to be a genetic counselor, which blends her love for psychology and medicine. She loves that this field provides for challenging research, a deep understanding of biology, and especially the important role of comforting patients.


Karlie Brown

Weber State University

Karlie graduated from Roy High School and is attending Weber State University. Her goal is to receive a Masters in Business Administration and minor in Dance and Fashion. With a business degree, she hopes to own a dance studio or enter into the world of fashion and grow as a person and entrepreneur. She feels that a degree in Business Administration will give her the skills to market herself, as well as teach her how to become a successful business owner and how to work well with large corporations.

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George Liam Christensen

Utah Valley University

George graduated from Coronado High School and is attending Utah Valley University. He has been inspired by his parents to further his education beyond high school. George feels that acquiring a higher education will be a crucial step in gaining independence and security as an adult. He hopes to establish a career in an area such as Architectural Design, which would give him an opportunity to think creatively while staying independent, stable, and secure.


Hayley Porter

Brigham Young University Idaho

Hayley graduated from Preston High School and is attending Brigham Young University Idaho. She was inspired to seek further education so that she could support herself and her family. Her ultimate goal for a career is one that would allow her to effectively manage work and family commitments.

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Cassidy Riggs

Brigham Young University Provo

Cassidy graduated from Orem High School and is attending Brigham Young University Provo. She has always set goals for herself to achieve and going to college has been a goal of hers for a long time. Cassidy’s passion for dancing has felt like a miracle to her, because CF has not stopped her from doing what she loves. She is currently a member of the BYU Cougarettes, the university’s nationally recognized Collegiate Dance team. Cassidy hopes to use her experiences and education to teach and inspire others.