Comments about Dr. Chatfield from the 2020 Award recipients

As I have attempted to adjust to new doctors, I have come to realize there is not a single one as great as her. She listened to me, helped me and always put my worries above the “medical diagnosis.” I wish I could express how much she has changed my perspective on life and the amount of gratitude I have for her. Me and my family miss her and want to say thank you. Thank you for allowing me to have her as a doctor and for considering me for this scholarship.
Most of my experience with Dr. Chatfield is from when I was much younger, so I don’t have super clear memories of her. Some of the things I do remember though is that she always seemed to put the patient/me first. Even as a younger kid, I could tell that she really did want me to be able to succeed in life. And to do that, she made sure that my treatments and lifestyle choices were optimal for that plan. This made me feel cared for and gave me a strong medical foundation. Thanks in part to Dr. Chatfield, I know what it takes to take care of myself, and I have the motivation to do it.
At my first meeting with Dr Chatfield, she helped establish my goals for schooling. She looked directly at me and said, “You must do you very best to get a good education! Use your time to study hard and figure out a career where you can provide for yourself and have insurance. You will need to work for a large corporation so they will cover your health care. You will not need to be worried about your care if you do that.”
I have worked hard to follow that advice. I pushed myself to complete AP Calculus and AP physics while in high school. I know I will have more math ahead of me, but I’ve worked to give myself a solid foundation to build from in college.
During our visits Dr. Chatfield remembered the things I was interested in. She talked easily with me, which was unique since I didn’t come into the clinic as often as some of her other patients. Dr. Chatfield was aggressive at looking for solutions to the symptoms I was feeling, but also compassionate for my needs. She knew when to press for testing and when it could wait for a bit. Dr. Chatfield is the one who connected me with the allergy clinic when I was losing so much body mass. Her connection led us to find my Eosinophilic Esophagitis. That discovery and treatment turned around my overall health. I still have digestive issues and need to be careful if I get a cold, but my CFTR is no longer a looming cloud of uncertainty. I’ve been given the tools from the CF Clinic at Primary Children’s to face adulthood with confidence. Thank you Dr. Chatfield and team.